Bullen Blog

SSB 7/21/24: How To Set Sales Goals

Setting SMART Goals Writing effective sales goals is a strategic process that involves clarity, realism, and alignment with broader business objectives. By following the SMART criteria, breaking down goals, involving the team, and regularly monitoring progress, you can set your sales team on a path to sustained success. Remember, well-defined goals not only drive performance but…

7/14/24: Great Chat Prompts

Great prompts to drive summer sales Those of you who follow the SBB know I like to use AI to generate ideas that would not normally pop into my head. I was really excited when I found Salesforce.com has a page dedicated to giving a great overview of AI and real examples like these. At Bullen, we…

6/30/24: BPP Alert

BPP- Blantant Product Plug We are allowed on every now and then Truekleen Protecto-Shine is specifically designed to clean stainless steel, sealed wood and other hard surfaces, removing fingerprints, smudges, and water stains without leaving any streaks or residue. Introducing a Game-Changing Product for Your Cleaning Arsenal We are thrilled to unveil a revolutionary product designed to…

SSB 6/23/24: How To Keep Your Sales Going In The Summer

How to sell in the summer Keeping Sales Strong During the Summer Vacation Season Summer often brings a noticeable dip in business activity as clients and employees alike head out for vacations. However, savvy businesses can maintain and even boost sales during this period by employing a few strategic tactics. 1. Seasonal Promotions: Create special summer…

SSB 6/16/24: Who Is Responsible For Fathers Day?

Who is responsible for Fathers Day? Thanks Mom Father’s Day originated in the United States in the early 20th century as a complement (that is a nice way to say it) to Mother’s Day, which was established to honor mothers and motherhood. The idea of a day to celebrate fathers was first proposed by Sonora…

SSB 6/9/24: Can Cleaning Science Help Your Sales?

For those of you that follow Jancast.com (the oldest cleaning podcast in the industry) we have done four great shows with experts in each of their respective fields since the start of the year. Each one touches on the science behind cleaning to know what you have to deal with and how to best handle it. The easy way…

SSB 6/2/24: Can Perplexity.ai Help My Business?

It is worth the time to check this out Here is what you get when you ask the question- What are some key features of Perplexity.ai that can help businesses boost their sales performance? Those of you reading this and already use this app or the others that can do the something similar this is nothing really new or…

SSB 4/28/24: Selling In The Summer

Summer is almost here. Do you know what your customers need? During the summer, businesses often need specific cleaning products to address issues like increased foot traffic, humidity, and outdoor activities. Here are some essential cleaning products that businesses might consider stocking up on for the summer months: Glass Cleaners: Increased sunlight can make streaks…

SSB 5/26/24: Check Out Patho-Facts

Your source for the science behind proper pathogen control. Click here to check out our new Patho-Facts page! During the pandemic, we all learned that we didn’t know proper procedures for maintaining a safe and clean environment. There was a lot of false information, and many people were uneducated in proper procedures. Hopefully most of…

SSB 5/19/24: Do You Know About Perplexity.ai?

Search that works- Perplexity.ai Perplexity AI is an AI-chatbot-powered research and conversational search engine that answers queries using natural language predictive text. Launched in 2022, Perplexity generates answers using the sources from the web and cites links within the text response Perplexity’s main product is its search engine, which relies on natural language processing.[5] It interprets the…