2 weeks ago we put out Jancast #140 with Jeff Cross, ISSA Media Manager. It ends up that Jeff is really connected and after promoting the show, we hit over 2000 views of the last 3 Jancast episodes. That got me thinking that maybe there are even more people out there that don’t know about Jancast, the oldest running cleaning-related podcast in the industry. We started the podcast in 2004 and immediately won the ISSA technology award for that year. Since then we have produced over 200 episodes (some were per video) with over 50,000 views
What better way to promote your business than a focused media offering like a podcast. Let us know if you want some tips on how you can produce one for your business.
In this great new episode, we cover that EPA has issued a new Compliance Advisory, “What You Need to Know About Producing, Distributing or Selling Pesticide Devices,” and why we need that.
We also cover the news that Philadelphia is combatting odors and potential pathogens on a SEPTA (southeastern PA Transit Authority) rail line. We reminisce about the same thing happening with NY transit back in the 8o’s. On a somewhat connected these, we cover the age-old question, “Can farting spread germs.”

Scott Jarden