SSB 6/25/23: Selling Cleaning Products Post Pandemic


How to sell in post-COVID times #5

Selling products, including cleaning products, has evolved significantly following the pandemic, with increased emphasis on safety, hygiene, and convenience. Here are some tips for selling cleaning products in the post-pandemic world:

1. Emphasize Safety and Hygiene: Cleaning products are directly related to hygiene and safety, which became even more critical during the pandemic. Therefore, your marketing message should emphasize the safety and effectiveness of your products in eliminating germs, bacteria, and viruses. Providing evidence of efficacy and mentioning any certifications or lab tests can further add to the credibility of your products.

2. Online Presence: With the shift toward e-commerce during the pandemic, maintaining a strong online presence is vital. This includes having a user-friendly website and active social media accounts.

3. Transparent Communication: Consumers now demand transparency more than ever. Be open about your products ingredients, safety measures taken during production and delivery, and the environmental impact of your operations.

Jancast #148 is up!

Mark and I explore on this episode the news concerning cannabis prosecution over the smells from a medical cannabis user and his neighbor (he could have eliminated the smoke odors if he had RX-420). We also cover the new/old Omicron virus that is now showing up in China again. Fortunately it is the one that already passed through the USA but what will the effect be with the supply chain? We close on show #148 with a review of what we are doing with Chat GTB.


Scott Jarden

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