SSB 6/18/23: How to use Google Maps to prospect


How to sell in post-COVID times #4

Google Maps is a fantastic tool for finding potential clients in a specific geographic area. However, keep in mind that not all businesses will be listed on Google Maps, and those that are may not always be up to date. It should be used as one tool in your prospecting toolbox, alongside other methods such as LinkedIn, business directories, and industry events.

Step 1: Identify your target area
First, you need to know the geographical area where your potential clients are likely to be. This could be local, national, or even international, depending on your business.

Step 2: Use Google Maps
Type in the area you’ve identified into the Google Maps search bar.

Step 3: Use the search function
You can use the search function within Google Maps to find businesses within your target area that might need your product or service. For example, if you offer accounting services, you might search for “small businesses” or specific types of businesses that typically need accounting services.

Step 4: View and save the results
Google Maps will display all the businesses in the area related to your search term. You can click on each result to get more information about the business, including its address, hours, and sometimes even a phone number or website. You can save these businesses to your Google Maps for future reference by clicking on the save button.

Now go sell them something!

Jancast #148 is up!

Mark and I explore on this episode the news concerning cannabis prosecution over the smells from a medical cannabis user and his neighbor (he could have eliminated the smoke odors if he had RX-420). We also cover the new/old Omicron virus that is now showing up in China again. Fortunately it is the one that already passed through the USA but what will the effect be with the supply chain? We close on show #148 with a review of what we are doing with Chat GTB.


Scott Jarden

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