Happy almost Presidents Day!

Presidents’ Day, officially Washington’s Birthday at the federal governmental level, is a holiday in the United States celebrated on the third Monday of February. It is often celebrated to honor all those who served as presidents of the United States and, since 1879, has been the federal holiday honoring Founding Father George Washington, who led the Continental Army to victory in the American Revolutionary War, presided at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, and was the first U.S. president.
Jancast # 162 is now up!
In this episode we do a follow-up to our last Jancast’s covering electrostatic sprayers. We had a great response to those shows based on the downloads and feedback you have sent. That was a deep dive into the technology, why some units (almost all) don’t work, and why some do. If you missed them watch/ listen to #160 & 161, just scroll down.
Mark and I discuss the protocol EPA has established for adding electrostatic use to labels. We also look out into the future with the testing requirements now set for getting approval on a residual disinfectant. During the early days of the pandemic, companies were making false claims about the residual activity of their products when there was not even a process to make such a statement. The big question will be who gets approved first.